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The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to provide professional boundaries and practical directives for professional behaviour and practice for those who offer services in career development

The Code of Ethics also informs the public of the standards of ethical conduct that Career Development Professionals (CDPs) are responsible to uphold and for which they are held accountable. Ethical principles are essential standards of professional practice for CDPs to make mindful, considered decisions in their practice and to resolve ethical dilemmas.

The Code of Ethics is intended to be actively used by all CDPs to underpin their practice. It is written in principle-based, values-based, and virtue-based language and contains a model of ethical decision-making that provides a process with cues to support ethical decisions and resolve ethical dilemmas.

The Code of Ethics for CDPs was developed in collaboration with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and the Career Development Professional Code of Ethics Working Group.

In particular, the Working Group would like to acknowledge the contributions of CCPA staff and their subject matter experts that allowed unrestricted access to use, abridge, and adapt ethical articles from their 2020 CCPA Code of Ethics.